Friday, October 12, 2007

Want a free e book?

Phaze is having a reader answer the questions, send an get a free ebook and a chance to win some print books...and if you let them know Jenna Allen told you about it...I get publisher kudos :)

TO PARTICIPATE: Until we get the form active, please paste the questions below and send your answers to klively (at) phaze (dot) com. We will try to get your book to you ASAP. Thanks for participating.

What is your e-mail address? (So we can send your free eBook)

Name of Phaze Author who referred you to this survey :: Jenna Allen

How many eBooks do you buy a month?

Where do you most often buy eBooks?

When purchasing directly from a publisher, what do you consider to be the most important factor?

Would you be more inclined to buy from a publisher that offered regular sales and discounts?

Would you be more inclined to buy from an eBook publisher that offered print books?

If you could change one thing about the website of your favorite publisher, what would it be?

How do you most often hear about a new eBook publisher?

From which publishers do you most often buy eBooks? CHOOSE FIVE

What are your favorite subgenres of erotic romance? CHOOSE FIVE

Which subgenres are you least likely to buy? CHOOSE FIVE

Which subgenres would you most like to see published? CHOOSE THREE

If you knew an eBook was going to print, would you wait to buy the print version?

Do you buy anthologies?

If you buy anthologies, which do you prefer?

What length preference do you buy most often?

What heat level of erotic romance do you prefer?


Thank you for answering our survey! Please write the name of the Phaze eBook you would like to receive for free. (Visit for our current catalog).

Jenna's suggestions...

Monday, October 08, 2007

Another review...

Ms. Allen did quite a nice job of describing her characters and I found the plot to be interesting. -- The Romance Studio